Geisha Balls: Instructions for use

geisha balls on the counter between a mirror and flowers

Now that we are familiar with their usefulness , let's look at how to use Geisha Balls. In this second article of the series, we will support you, how to put them in place to enjoy their effects on your intimate health. In the third article , we will discuss their effectiveness in terms of pleasure for women and people with vaginas: “ Geisha balls to enhance sexual pleasure .”

How to use Geisha balls?

Let's start at the beginning: we will first see how to install and position Geisha balls . They must be inserted just at the entrance of the vagina, not too far back otherwise the muscular work will not be done correctly. The withdrawal string should ideally remain outside the vagina oriented towards the tendon center of the perineum. Some people orient it towards the pubis, but the silicone of the withdrawal strings can "cling" to your hair and be uncomfortable. Inserting Geisha balls may seem simple to some, but it is often complicated the first few times. If you have difficulty, remember to lubricate the Geisha balls with a water-based lubricant.

Geisha balls strengthen the perineal muscles
Once this first step is completed, you have a choice to make. The first is to continue your activities normally, as if nothing had happened. As explained above, natural reflex movements will then take place without you necessarily realizing it. In short, you strengthen your perineum without too much effort. Another solution, more demanding but more effective in the short term: you can also practice Kegel contraction exercises with Geisha balls in order to strengthen the muscles present in the perineum area more quickly.

In any case, be careful not to overdo it. It is better to have many short sessions than to use them extensively from time to time. You can even wear Geisha balls every day, but only for a few dozen minutes at a time. The idea is to strengthen the muscles, not to exhaust them.

Once your session is over, you can remove the Geisha balls. Start by relaxing and loosening your pelvic muscles. You can then, without any sudden movements, pull on the string that we mentioned earlier to remove the Geisha balls. Finally, don't forget to clean them with a suitable product . This cleaning step is important to avoid catching an infection.

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