Geisha balls to enhance sexual pleasure

In this last article of the special series on Geisha balls, we are interested in their effects on female sexual pleasure. If you are not yet convinced of their usefulness or are not sure how to position them , consult our two previous articles dedicated respectively to these subjects. You can find our entire selection of geisha balls in our collection dedicated to the perineum here .
Geisha balls are inserted at the entrance of the vagina and "weigh" at the vestibular level. Under the effect of gravity and on a reflex pattern, the perineum is permanently contracted in order to keep them in the vaginal cavity. This reflex contraction of the pelvic floor muscles allows the different planes of the pelvic floor to be substantially solicited.
Muscle effort can also be increased by acting "consciously" on the contractions of the pelvic floor muscles. Indeed, doing a series of contractions and releases, also called Kegel exercises, while wearing Geisha balls, can increase muscular effort and considerably improve the tone of the pelvic floor.

Muscle contraction efforts lead to strengthening of the muscles of the cutaneous plane as well as the superficial plane, which include the bulbocavernosus muscles of the clitoris, the constrictor of the vulva, the external sphincter of the anus and certain muscle fibers which run along the walls of the vagina.
The more these muscles are used and trained, the greater the muscular control that can be exercised. And the easier it becomes to increase sensations during penetrative sex, alone or with a partner.

But in detail, what happens at the anatomical level to observe such effects on sexual functions? First, we note a better constriction of the first third of the vagina, and therefore the ability to better feel the sex of one's partner during penetration or the penetrating object by increasing one's capacity to grip it to increase one's own pleasure and that of the male or penis partner, if applicable. This ability to control constriction also allows the internal erectile bodies of the clitoris bulbs and pillars to be brought closer together to feel more pleasure during penetration.
There is also an improvement in the vascularization of the genital area because muscular work requires a large amount of oxygen, carried by the blood. Consequently, sensitivity is increased thanks to the turgor of the clitoris and vaginal transudation (natural lubrication).
Geisha balls can also be used during a masturbation session with your fingers, your favorite toy or associated with cunnilingus. Their volume and presence in the vagina help to better raise awareness of the extent of the internal bodies of the clitoris.
Practice expelling them when pleasure and excitement are at their peak, you would thus benefit from the muscular mechanics of the pelvic floor for the construction of powerful orgasms. In some cases, this thrust can promote the phenomena of fountain emission or Squirt. Not for the performance of seeing jets spurt out, but simply for the intense pleasure that this release of fluids causes in some.
Happy love-making!