Which water-based lubricant should I choose?

Water-based lubricants are ideal because they moisturize the mucous membranes in addition to providing a natural gliding sensation, they help regulate vaginal pH and are fully compatible with silicone condoms and sex toys. A good water-based lubricant could help preserve the health of mucosal tissues and cell integrity, while providing gliding comfort and preventing friction.

yes wb and hydra water based lubricants by intimate earth and sliquid organics natural

Be careful though, to avoid irritation and protect your vulvovaginal health, it is important to ensure that your water-based lubricant meets the following criteria:

  • a healthy composition free from toxic products and preservatives such as polyquaternium or chlorhexidine;
  • ideally without glycerin, and if it contains it, the rate should not exceed 8.3%;
  • an osmolarity close to that of vaginal mucus which is 330 mOsm/kg (and which should always be less than 380 mOsm/kg), and;
  • a suitable pH (between 3.5 and 4.5).

For more information on these criteria and a comparison of different products, check out our lubricant guide . Some of our favorite water-based lubricants are: Yes WB Organic Lubricant , Sliquid Organics Natural , and Intimate Earth Defense Natural Water-Based Lubricant , among others .

yes wb water based bio lubricant Defense Lubricant by Intimate Earth

However, water-based bases dry faster because they evaporate and are quickly absorbed by the skin and mucous tissues. It is therefore useful to remember that a single application of intimate lubricant is rarely enough and that it is better to be generous in its use. There is rarely too much lubricant and it is time to get rid of this patriarchal injunction, according to which excessive lubrication would harm the sensations of people with penises. Quite the opposite! Used wisely, a lubricant is always a good idea, whether for non-penetrative sex or for any type of penetration.

If you are a post-menopausal person, we recommend using a silicone-based lubricant (be careful with cyclic silicones) like this one, and also using a good intimate moisturizer as a background treatment to relieve intimate dryness .