Geisha Balls: What Are They For?

geisha balls with jewels

Geisha balls are undoubtedly the most unknown sex toys and the most surrounded by false beliefs and false expectations by users. However, they are the most interesting sex toys, as they produce immeasurably positive effects on the pleasure of women and people with vaginas and their intimate health . In this series, we offer you answers to your most frequently asked questions on the subject.

First, the usefulness of Geisha balls: “(...) what are they for exactly?” Then, we look at how to use them: “How to use Geisha balls.” Finally, we will discuss their effectiveness in terms of pleasure: “ Geisha balls to improve sexual pleasure .”

In this first article of our series dedicated to Geisha balls, we offer you a detailed answer on the usefulness of this essential intimate health for women and people with vaginas. We also invite you to read our articles on their instructions for use and effects on sexual pleasure.

What are Geisha balls used for?

Why use Geisha balls? There are many reasons as they provide beneficial effects on several levels. Their primary function, however, remains the positive impact produced in terms of toning the perineum and its musculature. It is an almost indispensable tool for practicing pelvic exercises and reeducating the perineum.

Explanations: the pelvic floor muscles fulfill 3 main functions , schematically called the 3 S: support of the organs, control of the sphincters ; sexuality and pleasure. Wearing Geisha balls positively impacts these 3 elements.

geisha balls friend scalable three levels by i play
I Play Friend : the three-level evolving Geisha balls

In fact, what we call the pelvic floor is actually a set of muscles, tissues and ligaments that form a hammock . This extends from the pubis to the coccyx and is organized into 3 planes or layers of muscles that overlap.

  • The most superficial layer (or cutaneous plane) includes the muscles surrounding the vulva, vagina, clitoris, and external anal sphincter.
  • The middle or intermediate layer helps control the external urethral sphincter and the muscular walls of the vagina, among others.
  • The deep layer or deep plane is formed by two types of muscles: the coccygeus muscle and the levator ani muscle. Together, they form what is called the pelvic diaphragm (the area that closes the pelvic cavity) and therefore supports the weight of the organs in this cavity: the bladder, urethra, uterus, vagina, ovaries and fallopian tubes, rectum and also part of the colon.

Doing perineum exercises with geisha balls therefore has multiple benefits, the main ones being related to health as well as sex life. They are particularly effective for people with vaginas and women who wish to tone their perineum before, during or after pregnancy.